Friday, January 4, 2013

Musings at Midnight

When I allow myself to think about the fact that I have not seen my Valentino for 6 weeks, I am saddened to the point of tears and to say that this pneumonia has "kicked my butt" is putting it mildly!  My most recent chest x-ray shows improvement but a nodule, albeit smaller, still remains in my lung and although I am better, the exhaustion continues to keep me from driving the distance to the barn.  I thank the heavens that he is at my best friend's private farm and had it not been for her and the excellent care she provides and the love she shows my horse, I would never have been able to concentrate on my recovery.  I am hoping that by this time next week that I will be on my way to the barn or at least planning a day when I can finally get there.  I can tell you that when I have a body that's actually up and running again, there will be no time wasted - all free time will be devoted to my grandkids, my dogs and my horse (and not always in that order).

Anyway, I thought I would devote today's posting to an old friend/trainer/instructor who was instrumental in getting me re-programmed back into horse ownership when Valie came into my life.  Her name is Liz Murphy and along with her husband, the wonderful Mike Murphy, they own and operate Legacy Stables in Mendon, Massachusetts.  Legacy is an incredible Morgan training and showing facility and to say that I think the world of them as it relates to the genuine "goodness" of these people along with their work ethic, their devotion to all the horses in their care, to the boarders and to the students is something that stays consistent and does not change with their ever-growing success as a stable and in the show ring, even on a National level.

I must admit that I was not one of Legacy's easiest students because as a woman in my early 50's, I constantly questioned my decision to become a horse owner again.  However, it was because of their faith and continued support in my endeavors or should I say my baby-steps, that when I finally moved on to a barn more fitting to Thoroughbreds and the Hunter/Jumper and then my discipline, Dressage, I was finally able to begin to recapture my former confidence and become the rider I used to be as a younger adult.  I can honestly say that this change came about because so much of the wisdom that Liz instilled in me during lessons, stayed with me, as I began anew elsewhere. 

So, without further delay, I bring you what I deem to be an incredible video (by JAS Equine Productions) of Liz in the show ring and with Liz's beauty, that of the horse she is riding, the dynamic music and the incredible performance that showcases her riding talent, this is one video that will make you stand up and pay attention!

Dragonsmeade Days Go On
And The Beat Goes On X HVK Noble Wine
Shown by
Elizabeth Murphy
Legacy Stables, Mendon, MA

BY JASEquine Productions

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